Bangladesh has not always been performing well in terms of education and literacy as much of the population is still left uneducated and completely dependent on manual labor as a source of income. Consequently, illiteracy is exactly what CDEF School is trying to tackle and eradicate completely.
We Are Non Profit Organization
We know that one organization alone can’t effect the change we need. That’s why we rely on Sponsors and our supporters. The changes we want to see in the world can only come about through the efforts of many people & we believe together possible. To live, a man needs food, water and a sharp mind and CDEF School identifies how education to the underprivileged youth can make a difference in Bangladesh for the better.
We Are A Strong Team
This organization of ours will gradually move forward firstly among the common people in the region to eliminate their poverty and basic needs. We at Categorical Development & Empowerment Foundation(CDEF) believe in unity. Each of our volunteers has a high desire to build a healthy society that transforms the human power to spread.